Pinterest has been my "Happy Place" for a while now. I pin recipes I want to try (and have tried some!) clothing I like (which has helped me figure out specific items I wanted to buy) holiday ideas... Sometimes I just go there and look... and scroll.... and look.... and scroll... eventually I feel kinda happy. - Possibly even motivated!
I've been wanting a "Recent Pins" Pinterest widget (gadget) for my sidebar for months, but I wasn't able to find one for Blogger, until today! Marie, at Code It Pretty, wrote one and it's perfect! To see my most recent pins, roll over the pics in my Pinterest widget. To see all my pins at Pinterest, click the logo.
Thank you Marie!
Edit: Also added a little more code from CSS Globe to center the image snippets in the thumbnails.
Damn you for trying to get me hooked on this.
I figured you'd like this. I was thinking about you when I wrote it! :)
I get lots of idea from there and actually use some.
Um... that's idea*S* :)
Ah, you're not the first person to have recommended pininterest. I really should investigate.
Only if you're prepared to waste lots of time. Easy to do there!
I have been sorely tempted to check out Pinterest but have so far managed to avoid caving. I already feel like I have more online "commitments" than I can keep. :)
It's not a commitment to me. It's a distraction. - Which is still a time waster! ;) There's not a big social aspect to it.
I go there when my brain needs to escape for a bit, and I'm not in a reading mood. It's random, and interesting (to me) and often motivates a creative side of me.
There's a quote somewhere about how people FEEL creative after being on Pinterest for a bit, even though they never DO any of the things they're inspired by there! But I actually do follow through on ideas I get from there! So I like it.
If you're bored or stressed, I suggest scrolling through a few pages :) (You only have to join if you want to "pin" (aka bookmark) things.)
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