Conversation with a friend after surgery
MeHow are you feeling?
HerGood! Good! Except I think the meds they gave me are making me hallucinate... I keep seeing all these weird images.... like Christmas ornaments with evil muppet mouths... opening and closing.... and they're all sparkly... Really vivid! And they keep popping up...
MeAre your eyes open or closed when you see these images?
MeWell that's a plus.
HerYou know how people get those surgeries to have wiskers put in? Like a cat? Maybe you could have that done someday! You could have cat whiskers surgically put in!
MeCat whiskers...
HerYeah! And then you could get one of those tattoos to look like you have spots all over you.... like cats do! Like a leopard!
MeYou know... it's been a long time since I've spoken with someone who's high as a kite. I kind of miss these little talks.
gotta love drugs :)
Lol! She was so funny. I doubt she even remembers this conversation!
SO good to see you back! :) :) :)
Whiskers would be cool. . .
Hey, don't let me stop you! Lol!
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