
Is your blog in Romanian?

Mine was. Just now. At least all my blog controls were. I poked around my settings to try to figure out what the heck was going on, which was an interesting challenge since I DON'T SPEAK ROMANIAN! (Though from trying to understand the words, it seemed to be a cross between Italian and German?)

I re-set my country and time zone and the language for my blog... Nothing. Still Romanian. Then on my Blogger Dashboard page, in the upper right corner, I saw a pulldown menu I'd never noticed before. Maybe it's new, maybe it's always been there. Regardless, it wasn't set to English. I set it to English and voila. I now know what my blog settings say again.

I saw similar complaints of blogs changing languages about a week ago, but this bug didn't hit me until today.

Hopefully that'll be the end of it.

My regards to Romania.


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