That's what I went with for my OneWord blog :)
The blogspot url for keepingmywords was taken, but the hyphenated version for it was not! So is mine! I'll be removing the OneWord tab (in my menubar here) shortly and putting a link in my sidebar instead.
I think I got most of the kinks out of the template (which is a WordPress theme that's never been fully functional in Blogger) but if anything doesn't look right let me know. - Consider yourselves honorary beta testers. You're welcome ;)
As I've said before, even when I don't have time for a full post here, I might still have sixty seconds to write something over there. The difference is that I consider those to be writing exercises that I'm ok sharing, and not necessarily topics I would have otherwise chosen to write about. For example, today, I did not wake up and think "Oooh! I think writing about that chalk thingamajiggy would be a GREAT POST!!!!" ;) This is more like a word association game - except my associated "word" is a 60 second thought! I write for 60 seconds, finish my thought, and then do a very quick proofread. (So all in all it's more like a 2 to 5 minute post total.)
are sites that won't let you finish writing your sentence once the time has stopped (and certainly wouldn't let you go back and fix a typo!) There's even a site that will start DELETING your text if you pause during the exercise! Can you imagine? Lol! Luckily, this ain't that! has a 60 second timer that
gently lets you know when your time is up. It's a low pressure mental break for me that I find oddly relaxing, and I actually look forward to it every day.
So if you'd like more to read, check out
my OneWord blog too. I'm finding it kind of interesting to see where my brain can go in 60 seconds :)
See you there!