
Don't throw hot water out your window - At Christmas time

Every now and then, my friend comes up with a gem from her home country.

Last night we were in her kitchen making tea, which is what I think led to her saying "Don't throw hot water out the window at Christmas time!" - Needless to say, there were so many things wrong with that sentence (Who the heck throws hot water out of their window ever?!) that I bombarded her with questions! 
You're not supposed to throw hot water out the window at Christmas time because you might hit the little people. The little invisible elves at Christmas time. And they'll get mad and it's bad luck, so you don't want to do that.
The invisible elves… we don't want to hit them at Christmas time, but the rest of the year, tossing hot water out the window is perfectly normal in your country?
Well with the elves it's really bad luck, and they do really bad things. Like burn down your barn.
My barn...
Well yes, if it was the olden days. And they'll kill all your animals too. It's very bad luck.
So we specifically don't want to throw hot water out the window at Christmas time because it'll anger the elves and they'll burn down my barn and kill all my pets...
And your cows… You'll have dead cows.
I'll have dead cows…  
So, this is a "thing" where you grew up? People know this? 
Oh yes.
And it's specifically a "Christmas" thing? The whole hot water/window warning?
Yes, for the little Tomten.
The what?
The Tomten. They're the elves. They're like Christmas elves, sort of, and they wear little pointy red hats. They're kind of like your Santa. You have your Santa, and we have the little Tomten, who are like elves, who bring us gifts. 
And we don't leave cookies for them by the fireplace like you do with Santa. We leave them porridge. On the stoop. 
What? You leave them porridge instead of COOKIES? And you leave it for them on the STOOP?  You don't even invite them into your house?! No wonder they're so angry! I'd burn down your barn too!
They don't want to go inside the house.
Well then can't you at least leave them cookies on the stoop instead of porridge?
They like the porridge. It's a special porridge! It's got cream and it's really good! It's like rice pudding! And they want it outside because they live there. They live in your barn.
The barn they'll burn down?
You don't want to make them angry.
So, is there a head Tomte, like Santa, that they all work for? Or are all the Tomten your Santa? With no one in particular in charge?
Nope, no one in particular in charge. Just a bunch of them at Christmas time bringing presents.
Ok, can we go back to the "Don't throw hot water out the window" part? And how this is only specific to Christmas time? Because right now your country sounds like a very dangerous place to live! 


Kelly said...

That's hilarious. And you have awesome friends!

Noisy Quiet said...

I have patient friends ;)

Josie said...

This is worry, but I'm glad I know now to to throw hot water out the window at Christmas. I had that on my list of things to do today. Thanks, Josie x

Noisy Quiet said...

You're welcome. I'm sure your cows will sleep better now too :)

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