
Having a "non" day

I woke up from dreams that stayed with me and my mind has wandered back to them several times today. Nice dreams I suppose, which may be why my mind keeps wandering back to them. That and/or I want to go back to sleep! ;)

A friend rescued me from my unproductiveness by having a computer crisis, so I spent a couple of hours there. All is now well in his web world.

A neighbor also filled me in on some current happenings in her life, which she already told me about three days ago, but she's just as upset now as she was then. When she's worked up she gets stuck in a loop, so I  listened. There's not much else I can do when she's like that.

Now it's past 6pm here and I'm having one of those "where did the day go" moments. I feel like I only woke up a few hours ago. - Which may be due to my still being 'in' those dreams!

I think Mango Ice Cream might solve all my problems. But "Mango Ice Cream" is outside.

I may still go :)


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