
Hello :)

Once in a while I look at my blog, and it makes me want to write. Except I don't have anything I really want to write about. I just think "Oooh, my blog! That's fun!" :)

Then I check to see if anyone I used to follow is still writing, and most of you aren't writing either! - Which is not the reason I don't write. It just makes me feel less alone in my not-writing-ness!

I'm not sure why I don't feel like blogging. Too busy maybe? Not busy with exciting things, just day to day stuff. (- Unless you want to imagine me having an exciting life. Then feel free. I'm good with that!)

Maybe someday I'll be inspired to write again. For now, "Hello!" to anyone who still checks here too :)


Anny said...

Hello there! I was happy to see a post here, even if I'm several months late to the party haha! I've been busy too, but in a good way for sure.
I hope things are good with you! And that you have at least a little bit of excitement in your life ;)

Anny said...

I don't know why, but whenever I switch domains (which I do all too often, thank you, I know), I feel like going here and telling you. Have legit no idea why.

Haven't been blogging in ages. Thought I'd take it up again. If nothing else, because I miss uploading photos. We'll see, maybe I keep it up for 3 days and then forget about it. That's what I did last time I tried. Woops.

Hope you're doing great and life is treating you well :)

Noisy Quiet said...

Hi Anny :) - How's this for a REALLY late reply! Lol! I used to get notified when I had new comments but I guess that feature got turned off somehow.

FYI, if you're going to tell me your new domain, you should actually post there :) I just checked and it looks like you've moved on from that site too.

I haven't blogged in years. Once in a while I consider it, but so far have not returned to posting anywhere.

I hope you're doing well - wherever you are! Thank you for checking in! Maybe in another 2 years one of us will write again lol!

Thank you again for thinking of me and keeping me updated!

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